How You Shimmer: Sound Portal for Whale Bubbles
Chapter in Atmosphere of Sound exhibition catalog, UCLA Art|Sci Center, PST Art 2025
Part of the Polyphonic Landscapes series, APRIA journal, 2024
Artist article in Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture (Vol.2), University of California Press, 2020
Interview of Yolande Harris by Roberta Perego, “Come posso camminare/nuotare/volare lontano con te?” “How can I walk/swim/fly to the distance with you?” in Animot: L’Altra Philosophia, Volume 11, 2021. Interview published in Italian with English translation.
Book chapter in the Handbook of Sonic Methodologies, Bloomsbury Press, 2020
Proceedings of International Symposium of Electronic Arts, ISEA 2019, Gwangju, Korea, 2019
in Leonardo Journal (Vol.51/2) MIT Press, 2018
Feature article in Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology Vol 16, 2017
Techno-Intuition: Experiments with Sound in the Environment
book chapter in eds. Gilmore and Crispin, Artistic Experimentation in Music: An Anthology, Leuven University Press, 2014
in Leonardo Music Journal, (Vol.23) MIT Press, 2013
Score as Relationship
Book chapter in eds. De Assis, Brooks and Coessens, Sound and Score: Essays on Sound, Score and Notation Leuven University Press, 2013
Interference – A Journal of Audio Culture no 2, 2012
Techno-intuition: Notes on using Sound to Relate to our Environment
Proceedings of the International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA2012), Albuquerque, 2012
Making the Inaudible Audible: Strategies and Disagreements
Proceedings of International Symposium of Electronic Arts, ISEA 2010 Ruhr, Dortmund
The Building as Instrument
book chapter in Ros Bandt et al, eds. Hearing Places: Sound, Place, Time and Culture Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007
Taking Soundings: A Composer’s Investigations into Technologies of Navigation
Proceedings of Mutamorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences, Prague, 2007
Inside-Out Instrument
Contemporary Music Review, Special Issue Bodily Instruments and Instrumental Bodies, Contemporary Music Review 25: 1+2, 2006
The Meta-Orchestra: Research by Practice in Group Multi-Disciplinary Electronic Arts
Journal of Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press, 9:3, 2004
Approaches to Creating Interactivated Spaces, from Intimate to Inhabited Interfaces
with Bert Bongers, Journal of Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press, 7: 3, 2002
PHD DISSERTATION, Univeristy of Leiden:
2011 ‘Scorescapes: On Sound, Environment and Sonic Consciousness’ Doctoral dissertation, University of Leiden, Orpheus Institute (DocArtes). 50,000 words (200 pages) + exhibited artworks at the House of World Cultures in Berlin. Supervisors, Frans de Ruiter, David Dunn and Dr. Bob Gilmore
MPHIL DISSERTATION, University of Camrbidge:
2000 ‘Exploration in Movement: Towards the Symbiosis of Architecture, Moving Image and Music’ 15,000 words + 15 minute audiovisual component ‘Architecture in Motion’ MPhil thesis, University of Cambridge
other publications:
2012 ‘Tuning In and Spacing Out: The Art and Science of the Presentness of Sound’, with Edward Shanken, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA2012), Albuquerque
2002 ‘Approaches to Creating Interactivated Spaces, from Intimate to Inhabited Interfaces’, with Bert Bongers, Journal of Organised Sound 7: 3 (special issue on interactivity)
2002 ‘Architecture and motion. Ideas on fluidity in sound, image and space’, Proceedings of Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts, Baden Baden, Germany
2002 ‘A structured instrument design approach: The Video-Organ’, with Bert Bongers, Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Conference. MIT Media Lab Europe, Dublin, Ireland