Solo Exhibition at PST Art / UCLA Art|Sci Center
View of the installation at the UCLA Art Sci gallery, California NanoSystems Institute
!POSTPONED due to fires in LA and closure of UCLA campus!
A new installation How You Shimmer: Sound Portal for Whale Bubbles (2025) creates an immersive composition of underwater connection using sound, glass, bronze and projected image. Created as Resident Artist in the four year long research project Atmosphere of Sound: Sonic Art in Times of Climate Disruption, part of PST Art a Los Angeles wide Getty Initiative.
January 10 - February 1, 2025, UCLA Art|Sci Gallery, California Nano Systems Institute, UCLA .
Curated by Victoria Vesna and Anuradha Vikram
Thanks to lead glass blower Cassandra Straubing, Glass Faculty Head and Studio Coordinator San Jose State University, California
Whale tag video, sound and data, courtesy of Ari Friedlaender, Professor of Ocean Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz
Research and production supported by the Division of Research and Innovation at San José State University. The content is solely the responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily represent the official views of San José State University.
Research and production supported by the Arts Division, University of California Santa Cruz.